AmScope Kid's Deluxe 48-Page Full Color Book on Fossils
Key Features
- Fossils - A true Book: Earth Science, is a perfect book for kids and students looking to learn more about earth science
- 48 page paperback book loaded with information and illustrations
- Enthusiasts will discover how fossils are formed
- Understand how palentologists searched for fossils and so much more!
Scholoastic presents Fossils - A True Book: Earth Science by Ann O. Square, that contains fascinating facts and fun activities that will engage the budding earth scientist while exploring the fields of geology, meteorology, ecology, and more. This series includes an age-appropriate (grades 3-5) introduction to curriculum-relevant subjects and a robust resource section that encourages independent study. In the 4.6 billion years since Earth was formed, many plant and animal species have come and gone. Readers will discover how fossils are formed, how paleontologists search for them, and what kinds of information they can provide.
- Title: Fossils - A True Book: Earth Science
- Paperback
- Grade Level: 3rd to 5th
- ISBN-13: 978-0531262504
- Author: Ann Square
- Pages: 48
- Publisher: Children's Press
- Dimensions: 6.9in x 0.1in x 8in
Scholoastic presents Fossils - A True Book: Earth Science by Ann O. Square, that contains fascinating facts and fun activities that will engage the budding earth scientist while exploring the fields of geology, meteorology, ecology, and more. This series includes an age-appropriate (grades 3-5) introduction to curriculum-relevant subjects and a robust resource section that encourages independent study. In the 4.6 billion years since Earth was formed, many plant and animal species have come and gone. Readers will discover how fossils are formed, how paleontologists search for them, and what kinds of information they can provide.
- Title: Fossils - A True Book: Earth Science
- Paperback
- Grade Level: 3rd to 5th
- ISBN-13: 978-0531262504
- Author: Ann Square
- Pages: 48
- Publisher: Children's Press
- Dimensions: 6.9in x 0.1in x 8in